Mussulmans, with the Bible for a Koran, prohi­biting all improvement: and great has been their power, and many have had to sacrifice their lives in resisting them. But they have been resisted, and the resistance has made us what we are, and will yet make us what we are to be.

After what has been said respecting the ob­ligation of obedience, it is almost superfluous to say anything concerning the more special point included in the general onea woman's right to her own property; for I need not hope that this treatise can make any impression upon those who need anything to convince them that a womans inheritance or gains ought to be as much her own after marriage as before. The rule is simple : whatever would be the husbands or wifes if they were not married, should be under their exclusive control during marriage; which need not interfere with the power to tie up property by settlement, in order to preserve it for children. Some people are sentimentally shocked at the idea of a separate interest in money matters, as inconsistent with the ideal fusion of two lives into one. For my own part, I am one of the strongest supporters of community of goods, when resulting from an entire unity of feeling in the owners, which makes all things common between them. But I have no relish for a community of goods resting on the doc-