Sex in industry : a plea for the working-girl / by Azel Ames
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Always a collaborator, but assuming new importance as the nature of her true value unfolded, womans promotion with each added civilization has been toward equal, and in some respects even special partner­ship in the work of life. Dowered by God with equality of mental scope with man, unlimited like him in her possibilities of attainment, the sole imperative difference in woman, which insists on full and perpetual recognition, is her peculiar sexual principle, her physiological dissimilarity, at once her title to complemental rights, her glory, and her opportunity.

But woman, elevated by the advances of civilization, could not escape participation in its incident evils. These have assailed the very citadel of her strength. Imaginary wants have exacted from her an exhausting tribute; and delusions as wild as those of

The crazy Queen of Lebanon

have caused her to build from the pure gold of her possessions and privileges an altar to