Sex in industry : a plea for the working-girl / by Azel Ames
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false gods. Seeking for her sex distinctive honors, she has proposed to give up for them that which alone could insure their pos­session. Extremes meet. The demands of savage barbarity held woman in an unsexing servitude. The abnormities of our civiliza­tion are demanding anew of woman a kind and degree of labor similarly militant against sex.

Whether it comes from barbarity, or has its origin in false amhitions or disarranged economy, the result is the same against woman, and her highest work in the world, the perpetuation and ennobling of her race.

The errors of ambition, the ignoring of sexual endowments in the search for attain­ments and distinction, lie chiefly within the realm of mental effort, the work of educa­tion. The undue burdens imposed upon the sex by the disarrangement of economic forces in society deal mostly with bodily emplojr, the domain of industry. Both, however, call with varying degrees upon the same organs ;