the second reason may be debated on several grounds. It is no doubt true that the aggre­gate of simple cerebration on the part of the female operative is less than the aggregate performed by the female student. But in the intricacy of much modern machinery, the intrinsic mental demands of many processes of employ, and the special mental peculiari­ties of others, it is obvious that no inconsid­erable amount of brain exaction is involved. Again: there are conditions connected with the acts of cerebration in the operative that in and of themselves are potent for evil; as, the monotony, depression, bodily fatigue, and constrained position, few of which find their counterparts in ordinary student toil. The statistics adduced clearly give a very large per cent as certainly yet under the usual age at which the menstrual function asserts itself, who are employed in the indus­tries of the nation. To this should be added the indefinite, but surely considerable num­ber so employed, who, though over fifteen, cannot be presumed to be confirmed in the