possession of theperiodic habit. The exception to a rule is certainly a broad one, that is based on at least fifteen per cent of all tlie cases involved.

The facts enumerated in regard to the brain-labor of operatives (of which substan­tial illustration will be given) would indicate, if proven, that, if the labor is absolutely less in the aggregate with the working-girl than with the scholar, its amount is indeed great, and, moreover, is performed under conditions themselves most unfavorable. To these sta­tistics and facts may be added certain other data of kindred significance, bearing upon the main proposition, that the operative suf­fers less in the vital direction from her em­ploy than the student girl from hers. Dr. Beard, speaking of longevity,* adduces the following reasons for the greater age of brain than muscle workers: Brain-workers have less ivorry, and more comfort and happiness, than muscle-workers. Brain-workers live

* George M. Beard, M.D.: Public Health, p 57. 2 *