hence a large total of loss is annually expe­rienced which the above estimates do not in­clude. There are, moreover, certain forms of disease, notably occasioned too by the injurious effects of mental or physical de­mands upon the sexual peculiarities of young women, which occasion a larger expense for their care than other forms. These are the various types of insanity. Says the author just quoted, * Under the power of this disease, the sufferers not only cease to he workers, and to contribute to their own sup­port, and that of their families and the state, but are positive burdens for the cost of their sustenance, and the care necessary for them in their wayward impulsiveness, and uncer­tainty of conduct. In the most favorable condition, the cost of care and sustenance of the insane is greater than that of the sound in mind; and, with most, the ex­pense is very much greater. The cost of efforts at the restoration of the insane is an additional item, and a heavy one, beyond the

* Edward Jarvis, M.D., Op. cit. p. 382.