Sex in industry : a plea for the working-girl / by Azel Ames
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of employment in textile factories, that there is hardly more than a hint in the fol­lowing questions put by these gentlemen to the medical practitioners of factory districts, of any possibility of injury to the young and maturing female operatives in this most im­portant direction:

1. Have you had experience of factory opera­tives? If so, how long?

2. Have you formed any opinion whether the factory labor, as now carried on in your district, has any deleterious influence on the health of the opera­tives ? Are there any diseases which you have noticed as being peculiarly prevalent amongst them ?

3. Are there any processes in the manufactures of your district which you believe to be specially injuri­ous to women or children ? and, if so, in what way ?

4. Has the labor any tendency to increase the rate of infant mortality? If so, does this depend on the mothers suckling their children imperfectly, or on their working too near their confinement ? I)o you know how soon married women usually work at the mill before and after delivery ?

5. Do you think that short-timers commence work at too early an age, or that their hours of work are too long ?