Sex in industry : a plea for the working-girl / by Azel Ames
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6. Do you think the present age of thirteen years too early for a child to commence working full time ?

7. Do you think that the present days work, ten and a half hours, is too long for young persons or for grown-up women ?

With a careful and highly commendable search for causes of maternal injury and infant mortality, there is here, as elsewhere manifest, a singular neglect of direct and inquisitive attention to the dangers to the basis conditions, on which healthful mater­nity and infant life depend, and which, more­over, are incident to every one of the sex.

The influences that inhere in special pro­cesses or forms of employment, and operate injuriously upon the menstrual function of young females engaged therein, are deserv­ing of, and demand special attention, not less by the gravity than by the extent of their effects.

A process or condition of employ that tends to the prevention or impairment of the normal course of this vital principle in wo-