results of co-ordinated mental and physical activity on the menstrual function. A more recent and extended investigation has con­firmed the conviction that the train of evils herein before given as the direct results and sequelae of such functional disturbance are producible in the immature female, and to some extent in the further advanced,

First , By severe overwork alone.

Second, By severe overwork coupled with innutrition and non-hygienic surroundings, more rapidly.

Third, By labor requiring great celerity of manipulation coupled with intense con­centration and activity of mental forces, most rapidly, and especially if under poor nutrition and had sanitary conditions.

Fourth, Probably, by the secondary effects of diseases engendered or promoted by non- hygienic conditions of labor, as phthisis (consumption), etc.

These causes, then, are direct and second­ary, and as ranged under the four divisions or errors, before declared, may be consid­ered seriatim. The first of these is