The age at which we permit the young girl to leave a life of animal growth, and become a part of an occupation or a machine.

The establishment of the sexual power at puber­ty, and its extinction with advancing age, both exert important influence on the constitution. At both of these epochs there is an increased liability to disease, and, at the former, a marked increase in the rate of mortality.*

It is evident, that to maintain that con­dition of life which shall best promote the normal establishment and course of a func­tion so beset with danger, and on whose due exercise so much depends, should be a first concern of all who have any interest in the future welfare of the community. It is

* Dr. West on Diseases of Women, p. 18.It is not enough, says the same author,to take precautions till menstruation ha3 for the first time occurred : the period for its return should, even in the healthiest girl, be watched for, and all previous precautions should be once more re­peated ; and this should be done again and again, until at length the habit of regular, healthy menstruation is estab­lished. If this be not accomplished during the first few years of womanhood, it will in all probability never be attained.