The effort will of necessity be, to establish the right adjustment of forces, all the require­ments being considered. The occupations that demand maturity of strength and full possession of functional power for their harmless or least injurious pursuit, are not readily designated ; but from investigation it is warrantable to conclude, that those employ­ments which demand extreme mental activity with celerity of movement long continued, involving unremitting attention, condensed thought, and nervous alertness, cannot long be participated in by those whose powers of life are unconfirmed.

Hence the true division of labor will be that which delegates processes or occupa­tions requiring the fullest powers of mind and body continuously, to those whose ma­turity may bear its burdens with least oppres­sion ; distributing to the weakerto each according to her several ability the pur­suits which a regard for future weal will not interdict their prosecution of. The true hours of labor will be based, so far as