sex is concerned, on these considerations ; and the true work of reform will be such in­telligent arrangement bf legislation, and its enforcement, and such amelioration of the present attendant ills, as can come only from a just and proper comprehension of these God-created demands of sexual peculiarity.* To ascertain, as reliably as might be, the effects of the varying characteristics of labor upon the youthful female engaged therein, study has been made of various industries, considering them not as so many trades or vocations simply, but rather as types and expressions of different degrees and kinds of influence exerted thereby; the physical, men­tal, mento-physical, reciprocal, etc. These inquiries have been especially into the effects of factory employments, type-setting, teleg­raphy, sewing-machine operation, basket- making, the counting of money, strands, etc., with casual examination into other lines.

* This effort of woman to invade all the higher forms of labor, is a force battling with the established order of sexual relation. Dr. Van dk Warker, op. cit. p. 470.