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conditions, are said to be a longer time than is consistent with the health of young per­sons between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, and of women generally, of what­ever age.

To this, the rejoinder of the Employers Association was,* that their bright and healthy appearance is patent to all. Thou­sands of women are now earning upward of twenty shillings per week; and those of mature age , whose employment is suited to their strength, supply no evidence that they cannot with comfort and health work as long hours as men. Even with the very remarkable proviso embraced in this reply, which I have Italicized, by investigation, the commission was forced to a conclu­sion quite the reverse of the assertion, that their bright and healthy appearance was patent to all; nor did it conclude, that, in such employment as seemed to be thought suited to their strength, there was no evi­dence that women cannot with comfort and health work as long as men, though at ma­ture age.