The unremitting attention demanded by certain lines of labor, and commented on as especially deleterious in its influence, I shall consider, together with the non-hygienic surroundings and conditions, in connection with special forms of employ.

An analysis of the four causative errors in the management of industry, which I have assumed to be the chief sources of disturb­ances peculiar to the working-girl, show, that, under the first , we have,

Youth unequal to the positions occupied in judgment or ability; impairment of animal growth; a constrained condition, as a com- plemental part of a process or machine. Under the second,

Disregard of ultimate injurious effects on laborers and the community; unbroken appli­cation, without vacations, for long terms; depressing and disease-inviting demands on immature vitality. Under the third, Employ in unsuitable occupations for the condition and strength existing. Under the fourth,