tim, may be and is itself produced by failure of the function in tlie forming girl.* That one has been the parent of the other, with interchangeable priority, and that both have proceeded from certain evils incident to a life of labor, no observer of the working- women of the land can doubt. Amenor­rhoea (retarded menstruation), especially if attended with chloro-ansemia, is very liable to merge into, to induce , pulmonary con­sumption .' f Not uncommonly, says Dr. Clapton, phthisis appears to be developed in consequence of emansio-mensium; but phthisis in nearly every case stops menstrua­tion.With suppressed menstruation,

*Experience, our only sure guide in medical in­quiries, instructs the physician that a diseased condition of the body produces an alteration in the condition of the mind; and that certain emotions of the soul, whether of a pleasurable'or painful nature, are universally attended with reciprocal alteration in the bodily functions. Forbes Winslow : Body and Mind, p. 153.Functional derangement and alteration necessarily result from this state of things, leading to disease and change of structure in the organs. Grahams Science of Life, sec. 305.

* Barnes, op. cit.