Unduly long hours ; concentration of vital energies, involving extreme nerve-tension ; unfavorable sanitary conditions in surround­ings, and nature of processes.

It will be observed from this analysis, that the various influences under different beads are often exactly identical in their special effects, although arrived at from different initial points, and that each of these-special effects is potent in creating the condition under consideration.

We have enumerated four methods where­by the occupations of workwomen may and do bring about the menstrual disturb­ances and the results we have mentioned, overwork; overwork, with innutrition and non-sanitary associations; labor conjoining extreme activity of body and mind; and the effects of disease primarily produced by tlie three foregoing causes. The last of these unqestionably may stand either in the rela­tion of cause or effect, it being beyond doubt that consumption, which produces oftentimes menstrual overthrow in its toil-broken vie-