be constant labor of a very rapid char­acter.

As an offset, however, we have the fact, that a considerable portion of the work be­comes mechanical, a skilled compositor know­ing, without looking, exactly where in her case to find the type wanted; while the placing it in position in the composing-stick correctly is accomplished by the aid of another of those marvellous processes of mental telegraphy with which our daily actions are replete. The type has upon one side a series of nicks, which being felt by the finger, the brain is informed, and, without the inter­vention of the eye, the type is turned to the correct position, and set by the re-instructed finger. The wrong-end-first position of the type is, moreover, no impediment to the compositor, who readsbackwards and upside-down as well as other people regu­larly read from left to- right. Hence it is to be considered, that, although an employment of distinctly co-operative physico-mental ac­tivity, it is lessened in degree as such by the