facility with which its processes, in part, become mechanical. It is a question not readily determined, whether or not the per­nicious effects of the depressing powers of lead and antimonial poisoning (where they are operative), and of the heat and unhealthy postures mentioned, are the equivalents of the gain derived to the compositor by her power of making the work partially mechan­ical ; and so advantage and disadvantage bal­ance each other, and leave the employment a pure type of its class. An exceedingly interesting feature of type-setting is the fact, that it is understood, by first-class composi­tors, that the element of memory enters largely into, in fact becomes a governing power in, the occupation, thereby changing the direction and character of the mental concentration. Having read her copy, it is asserted that the compositor, if of good memory, retains the sentence read, in mind, follows copy no more till a fresh sentence is needed, and then concentrates all thought upon retaining the sentence and the point