work more than eight hours, and keep it up : they know it, and they rarely will ; and even this seems to pull them down, so that it is extremely rare that a girl continues more than a few years at the business.

Mr. B-, foreman of a large printing

establishment, says,

Girls must sit at the case. I never knew but one woman, and she a strong, vigorous Irishwoman of unusual height, who could stand at the case like a man. Female compositors, as a rule, are sickly, suf­fering much from backache, headache, weak limbs, aud general female weakness.

Mr. D-, the publisher of a well-known

periodical, says,

I have had hundreds of lady compositors in my employ ; and they all exhibited in a marked manner, both in the way they performed their work and in its results, the difference in physical ability between themselves and men. They cannot endure the pro­longed close attention and confinement which is a great part of type-setting. I have few girls with me more than two or three years at a time ; they must have vacations, and they break down in health rapidly. I know no reason why a girl could not set as much type as a man, if she were as strong to endure the demand on mind and body.