Miss J-, a lady compositor, says,

We cannot stand at thecase. It increases back and head ache, and weakness of limbs, as well as a dragging weight about the hips. I have been at this work fire years, but have been frequently obliged to give up for vacations, from peculiar troubles and general debility. I began to menstruate when four­teen ; I am now twenty-two. I was well until I had set type a year, wdien I began to be troubled with difficult periods, and have been, more or less, ever since. When I go away, I get better ; but, as often as I return to my work, I am troubled again. Have wholly lost color, and am not nearly as fleshy and heavy as when I began work. I have now a good deal of pain in my chest, and some cough, which increases if I work harder than usual. I am well acquainted with many other lady compositors who suffer as I do.

Miss S-, a lady long in charge of the

composing-room (female department) of a large printing establishment, testifies,

I was myself a compositor, and have had scores of girls under me and with me, many of whom I have known intimately. I have no hesitation in saying that I think I never knew a dozen lady compositors who were well. Their principal troubles are those