


Those at all familiar with the demands upon the nervous energy and manipulative dexterity required by the processes of teleg­raphy will not be surprised that the rapid­ity, readiness of perception and response, sensitiveness to time, close attention to the delivery of the instrument, manual celerity, and often simultaneous action in receiving, counting, writing, and check­ing, are found to exert upon the general and special health of the youthful lady operator a most positive and rapidly injuri­ous effect. That it has not more widely attained a reputation as a non-salubrious employ, is due to the facts, that those en­gaged in its most responsible, and therefore most hurtful positions, are w'ith very rare exceptions safely past the forming period, are confirmed in their possession of wo­manly attributes; and those of impressible years are usually employed inbranch offices, etc., places that do not exact that continuity or concentration in their work