the ever-present headache. Mind and body are compelled to act so quickly in that work, that I am not surprised at nervous effects, particularly in young women not fully developed.

It will be seen from the foregoing, that the female compositors themselves, their employers and associates, those who superin­tend them, and their physicians, all agree to the effects of the labor, and the latter recog­nize the cause. Although subject to modify­ing, and to a certain degree puzzling, cir­cumstances, there can, apparently, be no doubt of the relation existing between type­setting, as an employment possessing the physico-mental draft, and the conditions found to exist in those devoted to it. Count­ing it, therefore, as an interesting and con­clusive illustration of the physico-mental influence upon the peculiar function of wo­man, and leaving our suggestions concerning it to a further consideration, we pass to the review of an occupation still more closely a type of concentrated mental and physical co-operation.