it is of great interest, as establishing in a marked manner the soundness of the princi­ple put forth, that, from a rapid exercise of concentrated mental and physical energy, there occurs the most emphatic effect upon the function in consideration. Wherever young girls are called upon to engage in the full requirements of a busy office, or experi­ence a sudden increase of labor and re­sponsibility, the effect on the economy is immediately apparent, and especially in the direction of the menstrual result, if contem­poraneous.

It is the common thing, says the super­intendent of a line,for young beginners, those promoted to larger offices, and those placed suddenly upon responsible posts, to suffer a degree of physical prostration imme­diately thereafter; and I have noticed this to be proportionate to the age and nervous habit of the individual. Numerous inqui­ries of operators, in a score of offices, have produced the unvarying answer to the ques­tion, How long can you stand this employ