in a busy office ? Not over a year, with­out a good vacation of at least a month. Indeed, that this is so, the managers of the principal lines seem to recognize, inasmuch as a months vacation is allowed their oper­ators in each year; though it is to be greatly regretted, that, even for sickness, they will make no further allowance, compelling the operator to resign if even a day or two more, however imperatively demanded by illness, is taken.

On being interrogated as to the special causes and effects of prostration in telegraph- offices, the first reply of nearly all young lady operators, perhaps not unnaturally, is to the effect, that the close confinement, over-lieat of rooms, and position, are princi­pally operative; but more direct inquiry, calling out the more active and self-examin­ing thought, invariably produces the reply, that the nervous debility, cold feet and hot head, and dizzy headache, make up a good part of the results; while particular inquiry, in a large proportion of cases, estab-