do more tlian adapt their findings to the place they properly hold in relation to the results we are considering.

While the investigations of Guibout are characterized, on the one hand, by an exagger­ation of the injurious influences incident to sewing-machine use, and those of Decaisne, on the other hand, by a too slight regard for these influences (though his inquiries were extended), the more nearly trustworthy de­ductions of Dr. Nichols * establish a series of conclusions which expose a grave degree of harm. The comprehensive question asked by Dr. Nichols of his correspondents was, Have you observed any injury to health from the use of sewing-machines used by foot-power ? If so, please to send us all the information you may have on the subject.

Replies were received from one hundred and thirty-eight correspondents, representing one hundred and twenty towns in Massachu­setts, and several in other States.

* Dr. A. H. Nichols, 3d Eep. Board of Health, Mass.