Eighty report more or less ill effects ob­served by them ; the balance, giving negative or doubtful answers, were mainly from towns where the machines were used only in pri­vate families, etc. My own analysis of the published replies shows that sixty-nine phy­sicians replied to the query. Of this num­ber, forty-four answered in an emphatic manner, declaring the results to be un­doubted upon the organs of menstruation and the function itself; four, only, held nega­tive views; while the remainder assigned to the use other results indirectly operative to the same end.

I quote a few only, taken at random from the many unequivocal statements of these physicians as to the pernicious effects of this industry.


A. Quite a number of cases, in which pain and lameness in the back and thighs, dyspepsia, leucor- rhoea, vaginitis, and menorrhagia existed, I have attrib­uted to their use.

B.The most common disease I have seen is a