(c) Diseases peculiar to women, aggravated by, rather than caused-by, the plethoric condition of the pelvic organs, induced by this exercise.

(d) General debility. By this is meant a state of physical deterioration and nervous prostration brought on by overwork.

Adding to these conclusions the single re­mark, that my own observations and review of the data given would indicate a classifica­tion of these influences upon female ill health as more decidedlycausative thanag­gravating, the belief may fairly he educed therefrom, that in the continued use of the sewing-machine by foot-power, there resides a source of special functional disturbance in women, which is extensive in its reach, and embraces overwork, often under bad sani­tary surroundings, labor to which much of the monotony and unremitting character in­cident to most machine-work attaches, and muscular activity coupled with a considera­ble degree of mental concentration; tlii-s last being in an intermediate degree to that required by factory machinery, and that
