ment among females is more powerful and efficient in the production of disease of various kinds in that sex than almost all other causes combined.

To these expressions of physicians, pre­sumably as safe a criterion of the real results produced by the occupation as can be ob­tained, Dr. Nichols has added numerous varying experiences of the workwomen themselves, which, though not as harmoni­ous or positive in their findings, are suffi­ciently so to make it certain that a grave degree of peculiar disturbance is recognized by them. The conclusions given by Dr. Nichols are:

1 That the illnesses which most frequently prevail among professional operatives (as distinguished from home operatives) making use of the treadle (foot- power) are,

(a) Indigestion, attributable to the unhealthy conditions in which they pursue thtjir occupation, particularly the impure atmosphere of the workrooms, the sedentary employment, and want of open-air ex­ercise.

(ft) Muscular pains, affecting the lower limbs and trunk, produced by the long-continued, frequent use of the muscles.