itself more than ordinary recognition: it demands the most enlarged consideration. Woman, as we have seen, holds in industry a position inconsistent and incompatible with the coeval possession of her true plane.

To take things as they are, and without creating disaster in the machinery of society, to bring the female worker to the higher level of her intended vocation, is a problem not easy of solution, and yet is the one that it is all essential, if we are to retain our place and nation, should receive a not tardy dem­onstration. In the adaptation of educational systems to the physiological needs of the forming girl, the measures to he taken are few and obvious. To re-adjust industry on the same basis, and to the same ends, involves such an intricacy of detail, such an innova­tion of existing customs, and so entire an overthrow of the established order of things, that any movement in this direction must be exceedingly gradual, and attack only the edges of the great mass of error.

I may presume, therefore, only to offer a