few suggestions which aim at improvement of existing conditions in industry; hoping that in some degree I may have made hare, for the steel of more stalwart axemen, the roots and fibres that bind us to degeneracy and decay.

That for years to come, our girls of form­ing age will continue from necessity to enter the various lines of industry, there can be no doubt. And, so long as it is a necessity im­posed by the duty of hearing the burden of self-support that else must fall undulyon others, the toil becomes a dignity; and, so long as it be honest, ennobles the laborer. Hence the dignity of labor is universal; and there is no rightful pride of superiority which one form may exercise over another, so long as the one engaged in is the best for which the individual is fitted, for the result to herself and society. The book-keeper trained to that employ has no right of supe­riority over the serving-machine girl trained to that work, by virtue of the more distinct­ively mental character of her pursuit. But