tion ; and, until this is recognized, the nation and individuals must suffer present and future loss, loss of bodily vigor, without which a nation must die; loss of knowl­edge, which is power to upbuild, to keep, to develop; loss in the higher values that belong to the nobler parts of our being, and that cannot expand in a soul or body dwarfed and exhausted by the gross de­mands of purely animal existence.

But it is objected, it can be clearly shown in this Commonwealth, that while it is true, that the money in savings banks, to a con­siderable extent, belongs to laboring people, little of it would be there if it were not for the labor of women and children, the wives and offspring of laboring men ; indeed, that, without their assisting labor, it is proved that the average laborer could not make the ends of the year meet. Granted; and yet my proposition is nevertheless of full force, and for two reasons :

First , Because it is plain that there is an error in that price and form of labor that will 32