not permit a man to support his family in comfort without drawing on the vital powers of those to whom we must look to make his place good, and to not only carry on, but im­prove upon, the work of society.

Second , Because we can never afford to set a price upon body and soul; and any bar­ter of strength, happiness, and knowledge, for mere money-return, is an exchange that will surely rob us in the long-run.

Is it true, as scientists * tell us, that there is a progressive decline and deterioration in the mental vigor and physical stability of our people ? We have to thank for it these er­rors that exhaust the life of the fathers and mothers of coming generations, to convert it

* That there has been a decided change in female organization in New Eugland t within fifty or a hundred years, there can be no question. Formerly there was more muscle, a larger frame, greater fulness of form, and a better development of all those organs that are classed under the sanguine and lymphatic temperaments. The brain and nervous system relatively were not especially predominant; neither were they taxed continuously or excessively above any other class of organs. Nathan Allen, M.D.: Medical Problems of ties Day , p. 78.