hours of employ, at the various processes of labor. There are occupations at which a Hercules has no right to labor a full day, and they should be graded as such, and others in proportion; the hours of labor being adjusted for the labor, just as the strength of the individual should be adapted to it.

It is not sought to raise a nation of effem­inates or dilettanti; nor do we wish, on the other hand, to make the land a hospital for worn-out, debilitated, dyspeptic, chlorotic, anaemic, unsexed men and women. Shorter hours of labor, better improved, on better systems of the divisions of profits, may be, to some degree at least, an antidote.

We sadly neglect the measures that are adaptable to insure a correct sanitary con­dition of our operatives during their labor. Of this the proof is in every workshop, salesroom, and office in the land. Every occupation proves it, and the diseases and mortality registers make it indisputable. What can be done to remedy this general 12 *