geously gained, as all labor investigators agree) would save the necessity of ill- cooked, hurriedly - eaten, badly - digested breakfasts (made on hurriedly-prepared food, in which tea holds a prominent place), un­washed faces, neglect of natures calls, hur­ried passage to the place of employ, and a disturbed, dissatisfied, and fermenting body and mind, stomach and brain. Get a right conception and adoption of the true relation of these things into the mind and lives of working-people, and half the complaints that now arise, like those from the Israelites in the desert, will cease, as did theirs, with the right appreciation of the manna from heaven.

Remedy these ills, and thereby elevate the intrinsic character of working-girls, and a large part of the invidious social distinction made between brain-labor and hand-labor, against the latter, will die a natural death.

An advanced intelligence and humanity is yet to recognize, moreover, the adaptation not only of the right strength, but the right