Says Dr. Jarvis,*

In as far as human life is more important than all financial interests, and, even in the financial view, the creative power of human force is more valuable than all created capital, this cardinal interest of the people, individually and collectively, should take pre­cedence of all other provisions in all legislation. Every law, grant, or privilege from the legislature should have this invariable condition: that human health, strength, or comfort should in no manner or degree be impaired or vitiated thereby.

To frame laws to meet the demands of the principles I have recognized, under all their varying conditions, is not a task for this space, or one to he readily accomplished; but we may fairly consider, in brief, some of the ends it is specially desirable should receive the appreciation of the public in general, and the employer in particular, and, it is to be hoped, will eventually find their recogni­tion in law. It is believed,

That the employment at labor of any girl

* Op. cit. p. 371.