under fifteen years of age should not be al­lowed.*

That the employment of girls of other ages and women generally at employments unsuited to their sex should not be suffered (such employments being determined by a council of salubrity, in France, composed of those most eminently fit for their high com­mission).!

That, in such employments as women should be admitted to, they should be per­mitted aperiodical absence, without pe­cuniary loss, for such time as might be just and necessary.

That in employments where women should be admitted, and which require high de­grees of mental concentration, with physical energy, additional vacations of sufficient ex­tent should be the right of the employee.

* Prof. Clarke has summed it up tersely when he says, If excessive labor, either mental or physical, is imposed upon children, male or female, their development will in some way he checked. Op. cit. p. 41. t See appendix.