That, in all employments, it should be ob­ligatory upon the employer to conduct the processes of the occupation under the most advantageous conditions to health, and to secure all improvements in this regard that may become approved.

That in all larger manufactories (of over certain numbers of employees) there should be special sanitary supervision at the ex­pense of the proprietors.

That there should be a well-established examination and certification of all employes, male and female, proposing to engage in any deleterious or burdensome employ, only those being certified who are found in the possession of health not to be unduly im­paired thereby, and only such to be em­ployed as are certified.

To the clause which provides, that in all employments it should be obligatory upon the employer to conduct the processes of the occupation under the most advantageous conditions to health, etc., I desire to direct attention. To improve is the possibility of