best essay on the building of roads, how much more so for the creation of agencies that shall lessen the dangers of dust in facto­ries, of injury from machinery, of fatiguing labor at the sewing-machine, the telegraph- instrument, and the type-case, and free from their baleful force the foul vapors of our noxious trades! In nothing can the state more surely seek its riches; for he who thinks must accept the precept of Emerson, that the first wealth is health.

That the worker herself may, by the ex­ercise of recognized precautions, by personal attention to, or avoidance of, conditions unfavorable to health, and the cultivation of personal habits that aid the promotion there­of, do much to lessen the evil influences of « labor, there can be no doubt.

So far as she sympathizes in, and gives aid to, the effort that a comparatively few of her sex have for some years persistently urged with a zeal worthy of a better cause, for the competitive relation as between her and man in industry, she countenances an