error. It is an error whose one certain effect is, to keep her in an abnormal condition, beneath her rights, and under her opportu­nities. The thoughtful ones of her sex recognize this. Says Dr. Frances Emily White*

11 When we look around upon the great industries of life,mining, engineering, manufacturing, com­merce, and the rest,and consider how little direct agency woman has had in bringing them to their present stage of progress, we are compelled to believe, that she must not look toward direct competition with man for the best unfolding of her powers; but rather, while continuing to supplement him, as he does her, in the varied interests of their common life, that her future progress, as in the past, will consist mainly in the development of a higher character of womanhood, through the selection and consequent intension of those traits peculiar to her own sex.

Says Van de Warker,f

This effort of woman to invade all the higher forms of labor is a force battling with the established order of sexual relation.

* Frances E. White, M.D.: Woman's Place in Nature, Poptilar Science Monthly, January, 1875, p. 301.

t Op. cit. p. 470.
