The attention of the reader is called to the defi­nition of education on the twentieth page. It is there stated, that, throughout this essay, education is not used in the limited sense of mental or in­tellectual training alone, hut as comprehending the whole manner of life, physical and psychical, during the educational period; that is, following Worcesters comprehensive definition, as compre­hending instruction, discipline, manners, and habits. This, of course, includes home-life and social life, as well as school-life; balls and parties, as well as hooks and recitations ; walking and riding, as much as studying and sewing. When a remission or intermission is necessary, the parent must decide what part of education shall be remitted or omit­ted, the walk, the hall, the school, the party, or all of these. None can doubt which will interfere most with Natures laws, four hours dancing, or four hours studying. These remarks may he unnecessary. They are made because some who have noticed this essay have spoken of it as if it treated only of the school, and seem to have for-