of diseases that in later life yield torturing or fatal maladies. Every physicians note­book affords copious illustrations of these statements. The number of them which the writer has seen prompted this imperfect essay upon a subject in which the public has a most vital interest, and with regard to which it acts with the courage of ignorance.

Two considerations deserve to be men­tioned in this connection. One is, that no organ or function in plant, animal, or human kind, can he properly regarded as a disability or source of weakness. Through ignorance or misdirection, it may limit or enfeeble the ani­mal or being that misguides it; but, rightly guided and developed, it is either in itself a source of power and grace to its parent stock, or a necessary stage in the development of larger grace and power. The female organi­zation is no exception to this law ; nor are the particular set of organs and their functions with which this essay has to deal an exception to it. The periodical movements which char­acterize and influence womans structure foj