great - grand - daughters as illustrations of female physical degeneracy. There is con solution, however, in the hope, based on sub­stantial physiological data, that our great- grand-daughters may recapture their ances­tors bloom and force. Three generations of wholesome life, says Mr. Greg, might suffice to eliminate the ancestral poison, for the vis medicatrix naturae has wonderful effi­cacy when allowed free play; and perhaps the time may come when the worst cases shall deem it a plain duty to curse no future generations with the damnosa Tiereditas , which has caused such bitter wretchedness to themselves. *

The second consideration is the acknowl­edged influence of beauty.When one sees a god-like countenance, said Socrates to Phsedrus,or some bodily form that rep­resents beauty, he reverences it as a god, and would sacrifice to it. From the days of Plato till now, all have felt the power of womans beauty, and been more than willing

* Enigmas of Life, p. 34.