Sex in education : or a fair chance for girls / by Edward H. Clarke
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The sacred number, three, dominates the human frame. There is a trinity in our anato­my. Three systems, to which all the organs are directly or indirectly subsidiary, divide and control the body. First, there is the nutritive system, composed of stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, glands, and vessels, by which food is elaborated, effete matter removed, the blood manufactured, and the whole organization nourished. This is the commissariat. Second­ly, there is the nervous system, which co-ordi­nates all the organs and functions; which enables man to entertain relations with the world around him, and with his fellows ; and through which intellectual power is manifest­ed, .and human thought and reason made pos­sible. Thirdly, there .is the reproductive sys­tem, by which the race is continued, and its grasp on the earth assured. The first two of these systems are alike in each sex. They are so alike, that they require a similar train­ing in each, and yield in each a similar result. The machinery of them is the same. No Bcalpel has disclosed any difference between