physique at the same epoch.* The organiza­tion of the male grows steadily, gradually, and equally, from birth to maturity. The importance of having our methods of female education recognize this peculiar demand for growth, and of so adjusting themselves to it, as to allow a sufficient opportunity for the healthy development of the ovaries and their accessory organs, and for the estab­lishment of their periodical functions, can­not be overestimated. Moreover, unless the work is accomplished at that period, unless the reproductive mechanism is built and put in good working order at that time, it is never perfectly accomplished afterwards. It is not enough, says Dr. Charles

* As might be expected, the mortality of girls is greater at this period than that of boys, an additional reason for im­posing less labor on the former at that time. According to the authority of MM. Quetelet and Smits, the mortality of the two sexes is equal in childhood, or that of the male is greatest; but that of the female rises between the ages of fourteen and sixteen to 1.28 to one male death. Far the next four years, it falls again to 1.05 females to one male death. Sur la Reproduction el la Mortality de VHomme. 8t to. Brux­elles.