tial and inharmonious grandeur. It cannot be otherwise. The brain cannot take more than its share without injury to other organs. It cannot do more than its share without depriv­ing other organs of that exercise and nourish­ment which are essential to their health and vigor. It is in the power of the individual to throw, as it were, the whole vigor of the con­stitution into any one part, and, by giving to this part exclusive or excessive attention, to develop it at the expense, and to the neglect, of the others. *

In the system of lichens, Nylander reckons all organs of equal value.f No one of them can be neglected without evil to the whole or­ganization. From lichens to men and women there is no exception to the law, that, if one member suffers, all the members suffer. What is true of the neglect of a single organ, is true in a geometrical ratio of the neglect of a system of organs. If the nutritive system is wrong, the evil of poor nourishment and

* Enigmas of Life, pp. 165-8.

t Tuckermans Genera Lichcnum. Introduction^. r