their organization which they hold in trust for the future of the race, has been fearfully punished here in America, where, of all the world, they are least trammelled and should he the best, by all sorts of female trou­bles. Nature, says Lord Bacon, is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished. In the education of our girls, the attempt to hide or overcome nature by training them as boys lias almost extin­guished them as girls. Let the fact be ac­cepted, that there is nothing to be ashamed of in a womans organization, and let her whole education and life be guided by the divine requirements of her system.

The blood, which is our life, is a complex fluid. It contains the materials out of which the tissues are made, and also the dSlris which results from the destruction of the same tissues, the worn-out cells of brain and muscle, the cast-off clothes of emotion, thought, and power. It is a common carrier, conveying unceasingly to every gland and tissue, to every nerve and organ, the fibrin