method of a boys -'chool, in ignoring and neg­lecting the physiological conditions of sexual development, the larger will be the number of these pathological cases among its gradu­ates. Clinical illustrations of these state­ments will be given in another place.

The mysterious process which physiologists call metamorphosis of tissue, or intestitial change, deserves attention in connection with our subject. It interests both sexes alike. Unless it goes on normally, neither boys, girls, men, nor women, can have bodies or brains worth talking about. It is a process, without which not a step can be taken, or muscle moved, or food digested, or nutriment assimilated, or any function, physical or men­tal, performed. By its aid, growth and devel­opment are carried on. Youth, maturity, and old age result from changes in its character. It is alike the support and the guide of health convalescence, and disease. It is the means by which, in the human system, force is de­veloped, and growth and decay rendered pos­sible. The process, in itself, is one of tho