blood and disease might flow out together., Happily, those days of ignorance, which God winked at, and which the race survived, have passed by. Air and food and blood are recognized as Natures restoratives. No physician would dare, nowadays, to bleed either man or woman once a month, year in and year out, for a quarter of a century con­tinuously. But girls often have the courage, or the ignorance, to do this to themselves. And the worst of it is, that the organization of our schools and workshops, and the de­mands of social life and polite society, encour­age them in this slow suicide. It has already been stated that the excretory organs, by constantly eliminating from the system its effete and used material, the measure and source of its force, keep the machine in clean, healthy, and working order, and that the reproductive apparatus of woman uses the blood as one of its agents of elimination. Kept within natural limits, this elimination is a source of strength, a perpetual fountain of health, a constant renewal of life. Beyond