deprived of sufficient opportunity and nutri­ment, first began to perform their functions with pain, a warning of error that was un­heeded ; then, to cease to grow ; * next, to set up once a month a grumbling torture that made life miserable ; and, lastly, the brain and the whole nervous system, disturbed, in obedience to the law, that, if one member suffers, all the members suffer, became neu­ralgic and hysterical. And so Miss D-

spent the few years next succeeding her graduation in conflict with dysmenorrhoea, headache, neuralgia, and hysteria. Her parents marvelled at her ill-health ; and she

* The arrest of development of the uterus, in connection with amenorrhoea, is sometimes very marked. In the New- York Medical Journal for June, 1873, three such cases are recorded, that came under the eye of those excellent ob­servers, Dr. E. R. Peaslee and Dr. T. G. Thomas. In one of these cases, the uterine cavity measured one and a half inches; in another, one and seven-eighths inches; and, in a third, one and a quarter inches. Recollecting that the normal measurement is from two and a half to three inches, it ap­pears that the arrest of development in these cases occurred when the uterus was half or less than half grown. Liberal education should avoid such errors.