twenty-one she might have been presented to the public, on Commencement Day, by the president of Vassal College or of Antioch College or of Michigan University, as the wished-for result of American liberal female culture. Just at this time, however, the catamenial function began to show signs of failure of power. No severe or even mode­rate illness overtook her. She was subjected to no unusual strain. She was only follow­ing the regimen of continued and sustained work, regardless of Natures periodical de­mands for a portion of her time and force, when, without any apparent cause, the fail­ure of power was manifested by moderate dysmeuorrhcea and diminished excretion. Soon after this the function ceased altogeth­er ; and up to this present writing, a period of six or eight years, it has shown no more signs of activity than an amputated arm In the course of a year or so after the cessa­tion of the function, her head began to trouble her. First there was headache, then a frequent congested condition, which she